KKR co-owner Jay Mehta celebrated his 60th birthday on Jan 18 and the Kolkata Knight Riders family extended its warm wishes to the “most affable” man for a prosperous year ahead. Fans and players, including Shah Rukh Khan took to Twitter to wish him too. Shah Rukh, in fact, quoted KKR’s wish and jokingly objected to the “most affable” tag and asked if he wasn’t affable too.
To the most affable gentleman in our set-up 🥂
— KolkataKnightRiders (@KKRiders) January 17, 2021
Happiest birthday to our very own #JayMehta! May this year reap unbridled joy, success, and good health 🥳#KKR #HappyBirthdayJayMehta pic.twitter.com/G1l9GAhUeM
Happy Birthday to Jaybhai and all our love to him....but I am not affable or what??!!! https://t.co/6ktYAA4rTh
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) January 18, 2021